day return

英 [ˌdeɪ rɪˈtɜːn] 美 [ˌdeɪ rɪˈtɜːrn]

n.  (打了折的)当日往返车票



  1. (打了折的)当日往返车票
    a ticket at a reduced price for a journey to a place and back again on the same day


    1. (火车或公共汽车的)当日往返票
      A day return is a train or bus ticket which allows you to go somewhere and come back on the same day for a lower price than an ordinary return ticket.
      1. in AM, use 美国英语用 round trip ticket


      1. On the day you return, the agent sends you a "Welcome back" message with the list of people to whom messages were sent, as well as a reminder to you to turn the agent off.
      2. His, after all, is a tale that takes in romance, heroism, chivalry, honour and, of course, the promise that its hero will one day return to rescue his people.
      3. This is where we come from, the Garden of Eden, the state of grace to which we shall one day return.
      4. She was sure that one day he would return, and spend the rest of her money.
      5. We look forward to the day when they return home in victory.
      6. Weekendretour is the same as a Cheap Day Return, except that it is valid for longer.
      7. Applications cannot be processed or considered between writ day and the return of the writ for a general election.
      8. On the first day of the return program there was more fighting between American forces and rebels.
      9. You don't worry, she one day will return to you sooner or later.
      10. It's forty yuan for a second class day return.
      11. Residents must go out to work during the day and return in the evening.
      12. Passengers not meeting these requirements will be charged the normal same day return fare.
      13. She held on fast to the belief that one day he'd return.
      14. In many days after the day, I return home on the road.
      15. Evening, top the lesson for a day, return want for the classmates change homework origin, each remind of teacher, imitate Fo to see a teacher before the window that to grow a clear light.
      16. She raised me, one day I will return with her.
      17. You can bring your awareness to your heart anytime throughout the day to return to the seat of unconditional love.
      18. The thought that one day he might return to his native country has never deserted him.
      19. From the second day after her return, there was not the slightest doubt that Celia was in charge.
      20. How much is a day return to london, please?
      21. Scotland: Scotch be in home looks for the thing to come borrowing from others, vitally needs before Christmas Day to return with the owner.
      22. The law prevents the Electoral Commission processing an application between writ day and the return of the writ.
      23. I'd like to buy a day return to pairs, first class, please.
      24. This island is constituted of stones, accumulate heat during the day to return it back slowly during the night, exalting the fresh and carious fragrances of the wines.
      25. I know that one day I will return to venture capital, but with my own money.
      26. He would eat fruits all day and then return home by the same route each evening.
      27. You may sign a contract one day, but the next day you return they change the contract.
      28. And so what I'm going to do the next day is return to this discussion, and take a look at a more rational view of the chemical world. So, we'll see you on Friday.
      29. Hairs were sampled for magnetic analysis before departure ( BD), after Antarctic residence for six months ( AR) and after Antarctic residence for one year and the next day after return ( RE).
      30. The empirical research finds that IPOs positively relate with GDP, total society fixed asset investment, stock exchange volumes and first day abnormal return rate, and negatively relate with stock exchange amount without significance in statistics.



      1. a return ticket (at reduced fare) for traveling both ways in the same day